Paperless Kitchen.. How is that possible 

Our house in general is pretty paperless, with the exception of toilet paper. That will never be compromised. Even with cloth wipes for the babies I am not even considering cloth wipes for big peoples bottoms. (do people actually do that?) But anyway my newest paperless addiction is our kitchen. We have used cloth napkins for a long time, and we don’t use paper plates or paper cups, but still had paper towels. But now we have done away with paper towels too. It seemed like a HUGE step to do away with the paper towels. It hasn’t been what I built it up to be at all. I simply have a basket of small dish rags next to the sink. They can be used to dry hands or for spill wipe ups. They key to this is having somewhere to “dispose” of the rags once used. You want the same convenience as a paper towel would be. So I have another small basket with a lid that the rags can go in. This is where the rags, dishrags, and cloth bibs from Rowan also go. And honestly I have no more laundry than I would usually. These just go in with my towels. (technically there is more but not more work, if that makes sense)
I don’t have “all this extra time” in my day, not anymore than everyone else that has 2 kids, 2 dogs, homeschools, runs a business, and is a full time Masters level student while 8 months pregnant ;). I just have things I prefer in my house and cloth stuff just makes me happy. Here are a few pictures of how I use and dispose of my cloth.