Instant Friendships

This cover photo is a perfect description of this trios personalities. Between Rowan and Aurora (the two oldest) their friendship is unique, innocent, and plainly said perfect. They couldn’t be any more opposite, the only thing remotely similar is shade of hair. They both are more blonde than brunette. But everything else from their personalities, their physical stature, their ways of communicating, and I would even say their interests (as best as we can tell for a 2-3 year old)

These two sweethearts are neighbors. And for whatever reason (mostly how busy life is) it wasn’t until recently that they (their moms) have gotten them together to hang out. And it was quite a beautiful thing when they did. It was an instant friendship.

Like I said, they couldn’t be any more different. But watching them explore and laugh and dance and stomp in puddles demonstrates something we can all learn something from. We don’t all have to be the same to learn and grow with with one another. We don’t all have to physically look the same to be beautiful. We don’t all have to communicate the same way to be heard. We don’t all have to be social to be friends. We don’t all have to spend years developing a friendship that you can see when someone is hurting and needs to be cared for, we don’t have to spend everyday together to be able to enjoy the day you do spend together.

These twos friendship is special and I am proud how they love. Let us all learn a little from Rowan and Aurora.


all photos by: Frozen Moments Photography/Bethany Irick

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